The sun is back out ☀️
I love the delicate twist on this ring, even more so with the sparkle from the diamonds😁 18ct white gold, £450.

Website shop
Late post tonight as I almost forgot due to adding lots more pieces to the website shop, including some Father’s Day ideas😀 I mentioned...
This amethyst is such a rich, deep colour, it really is very pretty and the diamond surround just shows off the colour even more! 9ct...
Quartz comes in many forms, some of which are more commonly known as amethyst, cairngorm or like in this pendant, a golden citrine....

Aquamarine just seems to suit every ring I sit one in😀 This is 18ct white gold with a diamond surround and would be £665 with the...
Facebook competition 🎉
✨LOCKDOWN COMPETITION NO.6✨ At this time (8pm) we would usually be standing outside, showing our appreciation for those who have had to...